A Message for You from AFEV President and CEO, Brooke McLean

December 16, 2019

Dear Friend,

I’m thankful for friends like YOU who truly care for the residents here at Air Force Enlisted Village (AFEV). Because of your friendship and compassion, we are able to do more to serve the surviving spouses of our retired enlisted U.S. military heroes.

As you consider a year-end gift to help now, please know that your support makes a lasting difference in real lives. For a widow like Stacie, your kindness has brought about a truly remarkable transformation.

Suffering from dystonia – a movement disorder in which a person’s muscles contract uncontrollably – Stacie needed walking poles just to move about when she first arrived here.

But through intensive therapy and our HOPE (Health Optimization Program for Everyone) Wellness program that your generosity helps to provide, Stacie is thriving and a brand new person today.

Not only does she no longer need the walking poles to get around, Stacie enjoys morning bike rides, swimming, and yoga classes.

Thanks to the compassion and action of caring friends like YOU, we were able to help provide a better life for Stacie and the many other residents living here this past year.

But there is still much to do…many critical needs to be met.

Please, will you help us?

Your most generous year-end gift today will help us meet daily needs – from nourishing meals and medical care to transportation and wellness workshops – in the coming weeks and months ahead.

Thank you for your compassionate heart and for your willingness to better the lives of our military widows like Stacie.

With best wishes for the New Year,
