A Transformative Difference at Hawthorn House for Ellie

February 16, 2021

From her father and brothers to her children and grandkids, Ellie’s family has a long history of service to our nation. “We are a very military family,” she says with pride.

A resident of Hawthorn House for just over one year, Ellie tells of the transformative difference she has experienced here in such a short period of time…

“If I wasn’t here today, I’d be a hermit. I know, because I was one. I would be all alone in my home, watching TV all day and barely even going out for a walk. I would still probably be ill and weigh 25 more pounds than I do. That’s how much I’ve lost since coming here because of all the activity.”

Ellie was married to an Air Force retiree, and her health began to deteriorate soon after he passed away. She became sick and was hospitalized and later placed in a rehab center. Worried about their mother’s health, Ellie’s five children began exploring options for where it would be best for her to live the rest of her life.

One of her sons, a recently retired Airman who lives near AFEV, made the call to have his mother come and visit Hawthorn House. Right away, Ellie felt welcome and knew this was the ideal place for her.

“I love it here and wouldn’t trade it for the world. I’m so happy my children found this place for me. They cater to help you with everything.”

“I’m welcome to come sit and play the piano whenever I want,” says Ellie. “I really enjoy being able to do that!”

Like other residents at Bob Hope Village and Hawthorn House, Ellie is so appreciative of the attentive care she receives and the programs and activities offered.

“The service from staff is excellent and very specialized to a person’s own needs. And the activity staff is fabulous. The things they plan make the mind and body better. Activities are there to help me. I appreciate them so much.”

When asked why the continued support of our generous donors is so important, Ellie explained it’s not just because of the wonderful housing, activities, and camaraderie at AFEV. It’s also because residents like her are always treated with dignity – the same treatment anyone would want for their own moms.

“If there’s any place they would want their own mother to be, this would be the place. It’s something I would’ve wanted for my mother. But there are things that we do need to keep this place going… to make sure it’s always here for widows like me.”
