Air Force Enlisted Village Celebrates Dolores Hope All Faiths Chapel Renovations

June 6, 2024

Air Force Enlisted Village (AFEV) celebrated renovations to the Dolores Hope All Faiths Chapel with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Friday, May 17, 2024. The chapel improvements included a new roof, exterior doors, and audio sound system which were funded in part by a $2 million grant from the Bob and Dolores Hope Foundation. DL3Construction completed the work.


AFEV President and CEO Brooke McLean described the renovations as giving new life to the Dolores Hope All Faiths Chapel and stated the chapel is a vital part of Bob Hope Village and the surrounding community.


“It has hosted weddings, baptisms, baby dedications, funerals, celebrations of life, and the weekly gatherings of God’s flock. The Dolores Hope All Faiths Chapel is the soul of the Air Force Enlisted Village,” McLean said. “As individuals age successfully, the importance of having a spiritual component in wellness is critical, and this chapel is the enabler of that component. We are grateful to the Bob and Dolores Hope Foundation for their continued commitment to our community.”


Members of the chapel committee joined McLean, AFEV Chairman of the Board Todd Simmons, DL3 Construction President Drew Lord, Bob and Dolores Hope Foundation Treasurer Jack Peter, Chaplain Bethel Bateson, and Father Nelson Toledo in cutting the ribbon.


The Dolores Hope All-Faiths Chapel was built in 1991 and received a Special Citation Design Award from the Air Force in 1993. The chapel is named for Dolores Hope, wife of entertainer Bob Hope. The windows in the chapel are left intentionally clear. Although staining the windows was planned, when Dolores Hope saw the natural beauty of the landscape displayed through the windows, she said there was no way to improve on the beauty God had created.


Bob and Dolores Hope attended the chapel groundbreaking and dedication ceremonies in 1991. In 1993, the chapel unveiled a portrait of Dolores Hope painted by Nancy Greenawalt, and the altar was dedicated in honor of Theresa DeFina, Dolores Hope’s mother.
