Brooke and Carrie Make a Holiday Breakfast Casserole on "Cook with Brooke"

December 18, 2020

In the 16th episode of Cook with Brooke, Air Force Enlisted Village President and CEO Brooke McLean provides a COVID-19 update, shares a few seasonal jokes, and welcomes Chef Carrie Knife of Knife's Edge Cafe as his special guest.

Cook with Brooke is not a cooking show. It's all about sharing what's cookin' around the Air Force Enlisted Village. Until now. In this special holiday edition of Cook with Brooke, Brooke and Chef Carrie make a holiday breakfast casserole together. Chef Carrie shares her recipe below.

Holiday Breakfast Casserole

Recipe by Chef Carrie Knife, Knife’s Edge Cafe

Makes 2 to 3 servings


4 eggs

¼ cup milk

Pinch salt and pepper

⅓ c meat of choice, fully cooked (sausage, ham or bacon)

½ c shredded cheese, plus 3 TBS reserved

2 green onion thinly sliced

2 cups cubed bread


Mix eggs and milk with salt and pepper in a bowl. Add bread cubes and stir well to combine.

Mix in meat of choice and ½ cup of cheese.

Pour into a greased 8” casserole dish. At this point you can cover and refrigerate overnight.

When ready to cook, bake at 350 for 20 minutes, until the egg is set. You can insert a knife in the center to check doneness.

Top with remaining cheese and green onions. Melt in the oven for a minute or two. Enjoy!
