Coronavirus Information and Updates

March 9, 2020

Updated: Jun 12, 2020

Information and Updates Regarding the Coronavirus

The health and well-being of our Bob Hope Village and Hawthorn House residents is our top priority.

We are concerned about the spread of the novel coronavirus. The people we serve are typically more vulnerable to the virus and the disease it causes, COVID-19. We are taking action:

  1. We have emergency preparedness and infection prevention and control plans in place. These provide detailed instructions for staff on how we address and manage infectious disease outbreaks.
  2. Our staff is trained in infection control practices and follows established protocols based on that training. We have experience managing illness outbreaks, such as flu, and have a heightened awareness of the possible risk to our residents posed by viral illnesses, such as flu, norovirus, and COVID-19.
  3. We have implemented daily cleaning processes at our community that are part of the emergency plan.

Because the coronavirus is spreading quickly, our staff is in communication with public health officials at Okaloosa County Health Department in our region to stay abreast of the latest developments about coronavirus. In addition, we are closely monitoring information from the Florida Department of Health as well as those from federal agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.

As we learn more about coronavirus and COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, we are educating staff, residents, and families. Current protocols we’ve implemented include:

  1. For staff: teaching them about the symptoms of COVID-19 and monitoring residents for these symptoms; teaching staff about how the virus spreads and recommended containment actions, including staying home from work if they are symptomatic.
  2. For residents and families: how to recognize symptoms of COVID-19 and what to do if they suspect that they or a loved one may be infected.
  3. For everyone: because older adults can be vulnerable to the spread of viral illnesses, including coronavirus, we are asking that everyone who comes in contact with our community members to be particularly vigilant and follow recommended guidance on prevention. Specifically:
  4. Washing hands regularly and sufficiently.
  5. Cleaning and wiping down frequently touched surfaces.
  6. Limiting contact with others (social distancing).
  7. Staying at home if they are feeling ill.

A fast-changing, potential crisis-situation such as this calls for consistent communication. We are committed to providing you with information, updated regularly. You can check our website at and on the Air Force Enlisted Village, Bob Hope Village, and Hawthorn House Facebook pages for the latest from our community leaders.

Please click the links for printable versions of the above flyers:

COVID-19 General Prevention

COVID-19 Stop the Spread of Germs
