Finding Home and Friendship: Barb’s Journey

April 17, 2024

As the old expression goes, “the second time’s the charm.”

That was certainly the case for resident Barb. She and her husband, Jack, first moved into Bob Hope Village back in 2012. Jack felt it was time to bid farewell to the challenges of maintaining their home and embrace the supportive environment that Air Force Enlisted Village (AFEV) had to offer. However, there was a small hiccup — AFEV had a “no pet policy” and Barb couldn’t imagine parting with her two cats. However, she conceded but with one stipulation. “I told Jack that we could try it for one year and see how it goes,” says Barb.

So instead of selling their home right away, the pair decided to wait and see how life unfolded at Bob Hope Village. For that year, Barb commuted back and forth between AFEV and the couple’s house to ensure her furry friends were well cared for. Despite the love and support she received from the AFEV community, the attachment to her pets led the couple to move back to their home.

Barb and Jack had grown up together on tiny Pine Island in southwest Florida. “We would ride the same school bus together, go to church together, and attend the same Sunday school,” tells Barb. Their sweet friendship would later turn into a romantic relationship, and the two got married in 1961.

Jack enlisted in the military at a time when our country was at war. In total, he served four tours in Vietnam. Meanwhile, Barb took on the responsibilities of raising their son and managing the household. She reflects on those times, saying, “Spouses had to put their hubby and family first. Being in the military is really a sacrificial life.”

Jack’s military career spanned just over 30 years. During that time, there were frequent moves to new bases across the country. “It was hard getting our son established in each new school and meeting new friends, ”Barb says. But despite the hardships, Barb’s commitment to her family never wavered. “Jack always had my back, and I always had his.”

After Jack’s passing, Barb discovered that there had been a change in AFEV’s pet policy. It was then that she decided to move back to Bob Hope Village — this time with her cat in tow!

Barb’s smile shines as she speaks of her life at AFEV. “I love it here, and the other residents are so nice. We’re all on the same journey in life. I know what the other ladies are going through. Some are not so independent as others. It’s the comradeship that I enjoy most.”

Barb also has high praise for the AFEV staff, who treat her and the other residents with kindness, compassion, and respect — preserving their dignity and making them always feel valued.

Her gratitude extends to friends like YOU who contribute to creating such a kind and caring environment for military widows like herself. Your support allows us to maintain a loving community that brings comfort, security, and joy to those who have sacrificed so much.

Today, Barb stands firm on her decision to move back to AFEV. And it’s probably safe to say, well, this time she’s here to stay!
