Home of the Free because of the Brave

Veterans Day and throughout this month we take time to thank and honor ALL who have served, living or deceased, but especially the living veterans among us – veterans like Vivian, a resident here at Air Force Enlisted Village (AFEV).

Many Bob Hope Village and Hawthorn House residents served our nation in uniform before becoming a military spouse. AFEV resident Vivian met her husband, Clifford, in 1974 when both served as flight attendants for the Air Force.

AFEV is a one-of-a-kind community. It’s an extension of the Air Force family, and we couldn’t be more proud to provide a retirement place like this for our deserving residents.

The couple loved to travel and did so often after retirement. They would load up their motor home and go. It was during a camping trip that Vivian first learned about AFEV from an acquaintance who raved about this wonderful community in Florida. It was something that Vivian held on to and never forgot.

After Clifford died, Vivian was heartbroken. It was hard to carry on, and she didn’t know what she’d do without Clifford by her side.

Vivian remembered AFEV. She wanted nothing more than to move into a community with other military widows who had similar life experiences to share.

Life for residents like Vivian would be very different – much more difficult, isolated and lonely – if not for the kindness of friends like YOU.

“Before coming here, I had lost confidence in myself. I no longer had a spouse… or a career… or a home. I was struggling with ‘Who am I’? I no longer had those things that made up who I thought I was.”

But all of that has now changed, largely because of the friendship and acceptance she has found at AFEV.

In the span of several months, Vivian’s sense of self-worth and confidence have been restored. Loneliness has been replaced with budding friendships.

Because of you, Vivian’s hope for the future looks brighter than ever!

In this month during which we honor America’s veterans, will you please

make a gift to help us care for military widows like Vivian? Click HERE to give today.
