Join Heroes for Hope Today

January 27, 2020

Caring for and providing a safe, secure home for retired military surviving spouses as they age is the cornerstone of the Air Force Enlisted Village mission. There is always work to be done, and we need your help more than ever.

You can provide stable support for the Air Force Enlisted Village all year long with monthly giving, a convenient giving option that allows you to make a greater impact with manageable monthly giving.

Join our compassionate group of monthly donors who we call, “Heroes for Hope”. These partners know that giving on a monthly basis allows AFEV to spend less time fundraising, and more time seeing that surviving spouses of retired enlisted US airmen have a safe, secure home. “Heroes for Hope” save AFEV thousands of dollars in paper, postage, and administrative costs.

When you enroll as a “Heroes for Hope” member, you’ll enjoy the benefits that membership offers:

  1. Our special print newsletter twice a year
  2. A personalized annual giving statement
  3. Easy contact with our “Heroes for Hope coordinator, Denise, at 850-651-3766/ (should you ever wish to stop or adjust your giving for any reason, we’re just a phone call or email away and ready to help)
  4. The good feeling of knowing that your generosity is bettering the lives of our residents – those living here now and for future military surviving spouses!

Heroes for Hope” are at the front lines of making the AFEV mission possible today and for future surviving spouses to come to Bob Hope Village and Hawthorn House. Your monthly gift ensures that surviving spouses of retired enlisted Air Force members will have the home they need. A home they deserve.

Join Heroes for Hope today by clicking the box that reads “Donate Monthly” on the form HERE.
