
March 25, 2020

Purchase Your “Keep Calm and Flatten the Curve” T-Shirt Today

As a senior living community, Air Force Enlisted Village is doing everything possible to protect residents who are senior citizens (most are military widows) and most vulnerable to coronavirus/COVID-19. This unexpected and unprecedented situation has created a financial strain due to unbudgeted expenses at Air Force Enlisted Village.

We’ve increased cleaning and disinfecting processes and hired extra staff to screen people entering the campus. Fundraising events have been cancelled or postponed and will create a negative impact on critical funds that the Air Force Enlisted Village counts on each year.

By purchasing a “Keep Calm and Flatten the Curve” t-shirt, you’ll help offset the cost of these unexpected expenses that help prevent coronavirus/COVID-19 and keep residents protected.

Shirts are available for purchase online through April 8 by clicking HERE.
