Meet Joy

February 27, 2018

Thanks to you, military widows can live at Bob Hope Village and not worry about being lonely

Meet Joy. If you had a chance to have tea with her, you’d be absolutely charmed.

She is a lively and lovely lady known around Bob Hope Village for her red hair and British accent. She’s been at Bob Hope Village for quite some time, and she volunteered to share some of her life before coming here and her experience since then.

Joy’s story:

I met my husband when he was stationed in the United Kingdom. When I told my friends that I was going to be an Air Force wife, they all said, “You are so lucky! You’re going to see the world!”

All my Air Force traveling has been in Florida. So much for seeing the world!

I’ve lived in Florida, courtesy of the United States Air Force, since August 1959. We first went to Tyndall Air Force Base. My husband went to Vietnam from 1966 to 1967, and I stayed in Florida with our two children until he came back.

Eglin Air Force Base was my husband’s final posting. He retired in 1977 and passed away in 1987. I lived in our house for the next twelve years.

His passing was difficult. Flying solo – the whole experience was new to me.

I met a lady who became a close friend. She lived at Bob Hope Village and was very happy there. When my house became harder for me to maintain all on my own, I decided my best course would be to look into moving to Bob Hope Village.

In February 1999, I called the Air Force Enlisted Village – quite apprehensively, I must say. They put me at ease and told me they had an apartment, the only one that was available. I took it and moved in on March 15, 1999.

I am so thankful to live here. I am more of a homebody than most, but if you can’t find a life here, you won’t find one anywhere. The staff is kindness itself. They go out of their way to help us. And they help us keep our dignity, which to many senior citizens is priceless.

I just appreciate kindness, and Air Force Enlisted Village is overflowing with kindness. I love it here at Bob Hope Village.

Feeling inspired by Joy’s story? Make a gift today HERE.
