Message about Restricting Travel From and Visitors to AFEV

March 17, 2020

AFEV Residents and family,

Effective 18 March 2020 at 0700 we are restricting travel from and visitors to the Air Force Enlisted Village. We are limiting any visitors or departures unless deemed essential. This will limit our exposure to the potential COVID-19 virus. This limitation will be in effect until1May 2020, unless extended.

We know this is going to cause interruptions, but this is not a time for routine actions.  Our actions to protect our entire community must take precedence over convenience or personal preference. To that end, we are asking everyone to ask themselves if the risk of exposing our home to this pandemic is worth the trip or visit. If you need ask yourself if the travel or visit is necessary, the answer should be no.

Some visits/travel will continue such as mail service, doctor-ordered medical care, and mission-essential vendor deliveries. However, anyone who enters the campus will be screened per Florida Department of Health guidance. And, as always, our transportation to medical appointments will continue to serve you.

Please continue to limit social contact, use good hand sanitizing practices, and cover any coughs or sneezes. There is a lot we don’t know about the Coronavirus, but these preventive measures are prudent steps to take.

Our number one priority is the safety, security, and health of our residents, staff, and families.  We truly appreciate your cooperation and assistance in keeping our home and community well. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Brooke P. Mclean, CMSgt, USAF, Ret.President and CEO
