Ms. Janie’s Banana Pudding Recipe

May 1, 2018

Banana Pudding a Hit at Hawthorn House Block Party

One of the most anticipate activities at Hawthorn House is their block parties. One resident is selected to host the block party and everyone is invited. As the host, the resident gets to select a recipe that will be served and help prepare it in the therapy kitchen. Often, residents select a favorite recipe that they would make for their families. This quarter’s host shared her recipe with us.

Ms. Janie’s Banana Pudding from Scratch

½ c. sugar

2 tbsp. flour

¼ tsp. salt

2 c. milk

4 separated eggs

1 tbsp. vanilla flavor

1 box of vanilla wafers

4 med. ripe bananas

Mix flour, salt, and sugar; add milk slowly. Stir constantly over low heat until thickened. Stir and cook for about 15 minutes. Beat egg yolks in bowl and stir into mixture slowly, stirring constantly. Cook about 5 more minutes stirring constantly. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Line bottom of casserole dish with vanilla wafers, bananas (sliced) and custard mixture. Repeat layers, ending with custard on top. Beat egg whites until stiff. Add ¼ cup sugar; whip until it peaks. Spread on top of custard and bake in oven at 450 degrees for about 5 minutes or until browned. Remove from oven and serve.
