Ms. Jean’s Cheese Cheese Fondue Recipe

March 30, 2018

Monthly Resident Recipe

One of the most anticipate activities at Hawthorn House is the monthly block parties. One resident is selected to host the block party and everyone is invited. As the host, the resident gets to select a recipe that will be served and help prepare it in the therapy kitchen. Often, residents select a favorite recipe that they would make for their families. This month’s recipe is Ms. Jean’s Cheese Fondue.

Ms. Jean’s Cheese Fondue

1 cup of milk

½ cup of white wine

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

½ teaspoon dry mustard

Dash of white pepper

2 cups of mayonnaise

4 cups shredded cheddar cheese

French bread cut into bite sized cubes


Mix together all ingredients except bread in large sauce pan. Cook over low heat stirring occasionally for 20 minutes or until cheese is melted and the mixture is hot. Pour the fondue into a serving pot and serve bread cubes with wooden skewers or forks for dipping. Makes 8 cups.
