National Military Spouse Appreciation Day

May 8, 2020

Today We Honor the Silent Heroes – They Too ServeOur Country Through Their Commitment and Support in Helping to Keep America Safe

When you think of “sacrifice” and the military, you might think of war and the ultimate price being paid by a brave service member for our freedom.

But we cannot forget the sacrifices made by military spouses left behind while their uniformed loved ones risk their lives for us. Spouses like Jean are silent heroes – they too serveour country through their commitment and support in helping to keep America safe.

Jean, 83, met her husband, Robert, while he was stationed in England. The couple fell in love, married, and raised two children, a son and a daughter. Like most military families, they were required to pick up and move often, leaving behind the friends and ties they’d established.

After twenty years of service and their children grown, the couple retired. But returning to civilian life often poses challenges for those who have served in the Armed Forces. “My husband had a difficult time making the transition,” explains Jean. “Depression causes a lot of things. He had three heart attacks and later suffered from Parkinson’s disease before passing away.”

After Robert’s death, Jean’s son and daughter-in-law learned about Air Force Enlisted Village and thought it would be the best place for her. After she was put on a waiting list for nine months, an opening finally became available last year at Hawthorn House, our assisted living residence. “I’m very pleased here,” Jean tells me. “There’s no other place like this anywhere. You have to be thankful to be here!”

Jean is thankful for you too.

It’s your generosity that allows residents like Jean to live out their lives with dignity and free of worry. Your gifts help us to meet critical needs each day that make this possible!

For military spouses like Jean who’ve given so much for this country, there’s a special day – the Friday before Mother’s Day each year – set aside for our nation to recognize and appreciate their contributions and sacrifices.

National Military Spouse Appreciation Day, observed on May 8 this year, is an opportunity for you to say “thank you” in a powerful way to Jean and the other 322 surviving militaryspouses living here at AFEV.

In many ways, spouses like Jean are the backbone of our Armed Forces. They give of themselves and give up time with their loved ones so that we are kept safe, out of harm’s way.

Your generosity allows Jean and our other residents at AFEV to share memories of military life, build lasting friendships, and live comfortably in a community with their pride and independence intact.

Thank you for honoring those who are so deserving of our nation’s gratitude.
