Planned Giving: Learn About Leaving a Legacy

October 20, 2021

Society grows great when we plant trees in whose shade we know we'll never sit.

(Greek Proverb)

Planned giving, or legacy giving, is a way for individuals to make larger gifts to the Air Force Enlisted Village than they could make from ordinary income and beyond their lifetime.

Unlike an annual gift, a planned gift is for the future. Essentially, you make arrangements for planned gifts in the present but they are given out at a later date. Additionally, major gifts can be made part of your financial or estate plans.

Options for planned giving include Smart Tax Annuity, Giving through Life Insurance, Giving through Bequests, and Charitable Remainder Trusts.

To learn more about planned giving and including the Air Force Enlisted Village in your estate plans, please contact Ryan Price, our Community Relations Director, at 850-613-6475 or by email at
