Rachel Cherishes Her Time at Hawthorn House

May 7, 2024

Rachel’s journey with Air Force Enlisted Village (AFEV) began in 2016 after the loss of her husband, a dedicated Air Force veteran who served our nation for 22 years. Rachel fondly recalls her husband as a “kind and gentle soul.” Together, they raised three sons, each following in their father’s footsteps to serve in the military.

Like all military wives, Rachel has had her share of sacrifices throughout her life. Military life meant constant relocations… loneliness during her husband’s frequent deployments… and pulling her boys out of school and away from friends as they moved across the country — and across the world — for over two decades.

Four months ago, after she faced several falls that made independent living increasingly difficult, Rachel transitioned to assisted living at Hawthorn House. She cherishes her time here, not just for the exceptional care she receives, but also for the warm community she has become a part of.

“I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. I can’t be alone. It’s a pleasure to have others around me,” she says.
