Stacie’s Story

October 31, 2019

Through AFEV, you’re literally changing lives. Stacie, who lost her loving husband, Elmer, a master sergeant with 20 years of service in the Air Force, is proof of that. Stacie suffers from dystonia, a movement disorder in which a person’s muscles contract uncontrollably.

After Elmer died, Stacie didn’t know how she’d go on or where she’d live…

As her condition worsened, Stacie could no longer continue her job helping adults with special needs and disabilities. She began needing oxygen therapy to assist in her breathing. Stacie was wracked with worry about her health and what the future might hold.

After Elmer passed, Stacie learned about AFEV from the Casualty Affairs office. Considering her disability, they thought AFEV would be an ideal environment where she could receive therapy, be more active, and start to rebuild her life.

A resident at AFEV’s Bob Hope Village for about three years now, Stacie received speech, physical, and occupational therapy upon arriving here. She also recently began participating in our HOPE (Health Optimization Program for Everyone) Wellness program.

At first, Stacie needed walking poles simply to move about. Dystonia caused painful muscle spasms and contractions in both her legs. But because of the therapy and support youhelp provide through giving, she now walks without using poles! And that’s only the start…

Stacie is able to take a bike ride almost every morning to begin her day. She attends water aerobics regularly, where she loves to splash in the pool, and stretches her limbs during yogaclasses at our new fitness center specifically designed for seniors.

Stacie’s transformation has been nothing short of amazing. Her doctor marvels at her improved movement and how Stacie can now better manage her pain. And to think, all of this is possible because of the care and generosity of friends like you!

And while there is no known cure for dystonia, Stacie feels worlds better, stronger, and more confidence since moving to AFEV. She also no longer frets about her future. “I just take it one day at a time now. I hope to someday be completely better. Until then, I spend my time promoting health and well-being to others here in the Village.”

If you feel inspired by Stacie’s story and would like to help, please DONATE TODAY.
