Thank You For Making a Difference

March 4, 2025

Your generosity makes a profound impact on the lives ofmilitary widows like Susan. At the Air Force Enlisted Village (AFEV), yoursupport creates a nurturing and vibrant community where residents can findcomfort, connection, and purpose.


Like other residents at Bob Hope Village and HawthornHouse, Susan is so appreciative of the care she receives and the programs andactivities offered.


“It really is a blessing to be here. We all have so muchin common,” says Susan. “It’s like living at base housing again.”


Susan says she is grateful for the wonderful housing,activities, and camaraderie at AFEV and appreciates that residents like her are always treated with dignity and care.


Thanks to your kindness, we can provide the highest quality of life to residents like Susan.Your acts of generosity not only brighten their days but also remind them they are cherished and supported.
