The Joy of Meeting New People Propels Bob Hope Village Resident to Volunteer of the Year

November 14, 2017

Because of you, residents have volunteer opportunities and social activities that give purpose

Residents volunteer in many different capacities at Bob Hope Village and are key to making the community run well. Each year, resident volunteers are recognized for their service to the Village at a banquet and a resident is selected as the volunteer of the year.

Mrs. Lois Ainsworth was recently named Volunteer of the Year for helping with tours for prospective residents and special guests, working at the general store, setting up for activities and events, and pitching in at the front desk when the receptionist is out.

“Bob Hope Village is hugged with faithful arms of volunteers, and Lois is one of the most faithful, entertaining, and loving volunteers here. There is not much she will say no to,” Bob Hope Village Director Bobbi Jo O’Marra said. “Most of all, she volunteers a hug anytime you see her.”

When Lois isn’t busy volunteering, she likes to do arts and crafts, play Yahtzee, walk for exercise, and color in coloring books or greeting cards to give to her family and friends.

Lois likes to keep active and busy. Showing her apartment to prospective residents and special guests is her favorite volunteer activity.

“I love to meet new people and show them around Bob Hope Village because I love it here and I love the staff,” Lois said.

Lois said that meeting new people is a learning experience. She likes that everyone at Bob Hope Village has a military background because everyone has so much in common.

Feeling inspired by Lois’ story? Give today today to AFEV. Join AFEV’s “Heroes for Hope” and make your gift a monthly gift.
