You're Invited to Join Heroes for Hope

January 26, 2021

$10 or $15 doesn’t seem to go far these days, but here at Air Force Enlisted Village (AFEV), we can do great things with it!

Much of the good work we do to care for and provide a safe, secure home for retired military surviving spouses as they age is made possible, in fact, by very modest gifts.

How? Well, these gifts, while not large by themselves, are made every month – and they add up quickly to provide a strong base of support to help Air Force widows here at the Village.

The gifts come from a very special group of people who make up our “Heroes for Hope” monthly giving club.

You’re invited to join today!

Joining provides you with an easy, efficient, and meaningful way to make an even greater impact. Knowing we can count on regular gifts from our “Heroes for Hope” partners every month allows us to budget more effectively and, in turn, use those funds even more efficiently to care for military widows.

But the truth is, it isn’t easy keeping up with expenses to provide our residents with all they deserve for the personal sacrifices they made while their loved ones served our “country...”

We need more “Heroes for Hope” monthly supporters to sustain our good works, day in and day out – everything from wellness workshops and transportation to activities, programs and assisted care.

For residents who may only live here for a handful of years to others who have counted on us for nearly two decades, regular support is greatly needed – and greatly appreciated!

By making monthly donations to AFEV, you give us a tremendous advantage to continue ongoing works and make future plans here at the village.

Will You Join “Heroes for Hope” Today?

“Heroes for Hope” are at the front lines of making the AFEV mission possible today and for future surviving spouses to come to Bob Hope Village and Hawthorn House. Your monthly gift ensures that surviving spouses of retired enlisted Air Force members will have the safe home they need. A home they deserve.

As you consider becoming part of our monthly giving program, please remember that monthly gifts pledged come in all sizes. (You can quickly and easily change your level of commitment or stop it all together – at any time for any reason at all.)

For example, just $15 a month provides one resident with holiday meals for the year (Easter, Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.).

A gift of $20 each month provides bus transportation for one year for a resident to go to and from medical appointments, the commissary, and the BX, and to attend entertainment outings planned by the activities staff.

And an extraordinary donation of $50 monthly gives residents the gift of grooming services at one of our on-site salons. As one ages it can be difficult to trim nails or wash and style hair.

Generous supporters have allowed us to provide a good life for residents whose families served our country. Just imagine how much more can be accomplished by expanding our good works through our “Heroes for Hope” monthly giving club.

As 2021 kicks off, thank you for considering joining our “Heroes for Hope” monthly giving club. Regular gifts allow us to spend less time seeking funds to support this work, and more time ensuring that our residents have a safe, worry-free place to live.

CLICK HERE to join "Heroes for Hope" today!
