Yvette Finds Peace of Mind at Bob Hope Village

November 30, 2022

If you had told Yvette in 4th grade that the boy who surprised her with an oversized Valentine’s Day card would one day be her husband, she would have laughed out loud. But sometimes life has a funny way of working out, and that’s exactly what happened…

Yvette and Richard (or Butch, as he was known) first met in elementary school. They shared

a brief but sweet friendship until Yvette’s family moved away. It wasn’t until a decade later that they ran into each other again, this time at a bowling alley. They hit it off immediately and started dating shortly afterward. The rest, as they say, is history.

The couple raised two daughters while jumping from base to base during their 22 years of

service in the Air Force. Moving so frequently and changing schools so often was a hardship on the girls, but Yvette always tried to stay positive through it all.

“I always tried to make the best for us all wherever we would go,” Yvette tells me. This kind of resiliency is typical of many military spouses, who often have to deal with unexpected changes and challenges.

It was four years ago that Yvette and Butch moved into Bob Hope Village. Butch had been ill for most of his time here and sadly passed away this past spring. While Yvette misses her husband of 58 years dearly, she finds strength and support from her fellow residents and the Air Force Enlisted Village staff.

Yvette has always kept an active lifestyle. Even at 78 years old, she is still enjoying a whole host of activities – from Wii bowling to hula dancing!

When she moved to Bob Hope Village, she was immediately impressed by the beauty of her surroundings. “I walk around and everything is just so beautiful. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to be here. It was the best decision that Butch and I ever made!”

Actually, moving to AFEV was the best decision for the entire family…

Not only is Yvette’s quality of life excellent, but her daughters also have peace of mind knowing that their mother is living in a safe and secure community. “They both love it here. In fact, they wish they could live here!” says Yvette.

If you find Yvette's story inspiring and would like to support the Air Force Enlisted Village with a gift, please click HERE.
